Can I do Whole30 While Breastfeeding?

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My eating habits took turn for the worst in my third trimester of  pregnancy so I knew I needed to jump full on into the Whole30 Challenge come January.  My baby girl was due at the end of November so I would have roughly 1 month to prepare myself once she arrived.  I breastfed my first two children so I planned on doing the same with my third.  I was a little nervous about cutting so many foods out of my diet while breastfeeding but I was confident I could make it work.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with what the Whole30 is read this post here first.

Great info for anyone interested in doing a Whole30 while breastfeeding.

The products and information listed in this post are to the best of our knowledge.  We share with our readers what has been successful for us in our own lives.  Visit for full nutritional guide to ensure the products and food you consume are compliant.

Before I began my second round of Whole30 this month (Tracy and I did the Whole30 last year for the first time. Read about it and see our results here.) I was vacationing in Utah with family enjoying homemade rolls, cinnamon rolls, breadsticks, lasagna, ice cream, cookies, my mom’s famous caramels, you name it, I had it.  My mom spoils us with all her homemade treats when we all get together and I was having no problem producing plenty of milk.  I would be lying If I said I didn’t think cutting out all that extra sugar would have an effect on my milk supply.Great info for anyone interested in doing a Whole30 while breastfeeding.

Well, I’ve almost completed my 30 days of Whole30 (tomorrow is day 30!) while breastfeeding and I have had no problem feeding my little one.  In fact, I think it has been so great for the both of us that I have no intentions of stopping.  I feel great, I’m losing weight, I have a ton of energy, I sleep most the night(when I’m not up pumping or feeding Makenna), and all my emotions seem to be in check.  After all, can cutting out all forms of sugar, dairy, legumes, grains, preservatives, MSG, etc. really be a bad thing? In my eyes, no way.

What is great about Whole30 when breastfeeding?

There is no limit on the amount of calories, grams of protein, carbohydrates, or fat, you consume.  That eliminates a lot of stress for me especially because I need to consume enough extra calories to keep my milk supply up.  Yes they have recommend 3 meals a day, no snacking, and limiting your fruit intake to name a few but they’re not rules.  The program says,

“As long as the ingredients are all compliant, you’re still 100% doing the Whole30, no matter how you choose to use these in your program.”

What Worked For Me?

Starchy Vegetables

I eat plenty of starchy vegetables with almost every meal.  Sweet potatoes in particular are basically my saving grace, I love them.  I also use a lot of spaghetti squash and regular baking potatoes.Great Meal Ideas for Breastfeeding moms on Whole30


Whenever I feel the need to have a smoothie I do.  Do I ever have more than one a day?  No.  I rarely even have one everyday.  I keep frozen bananas, mixed berries, spinach cubes (blended spinach and water frozen in ice cube trays), and Silk unsweetened almond milk on hand at all times.Smoothies on Whole30


If I’m hungry I eat.  My favorite snacks are homemade almond butter, tuna, apples, bacon, and homemade larabars.  Again, I didn’t consume these daily, just when I needed something to hold me over until the next meal or pre or post workout.Great ideas for Whole30 snaking when breastfeeding


I include an extra source of fat with every meal.  Almonds, guacamole, ghee, and bacon are my favorites.  Melissa Hartwig has said that sipping on coconut water is a good option for breastfeeding moms if you like coconut water.  I don’t like the taste so this isn’t something I do, but a great idea.Important sources of fat for breastfeeding moms on Whole30

Lots of water

You can’t produce any milk if you don’t drink water.  I make sure to always have it handy and probably drink a minimum of 1/2 gallon – 1 gallon a day.

Being Prepared

Breastfeeding moms tend to be hungrier more often and should just eat when hungry regardless of the Whole30 recommendations to only have 3 meals a day.  It’s always a good idea to have compliant food ready to eat so you’re not tempted to grab your kid’s fruit snacks when you suddenly feel like you haven’t eaten in 3 days.  I make sure my fridge is always stocked with easy snacks and I have my next meal ready or ready to prepare.  If you need ideas for meals see our 30 Day Whole30 Meal Plan.  Tracy and I started a Whole30 Facebook group for the month of January that will continue on for anyone interested in a little extra support or for those of you who just want to look for ideas.

If you’re on the fence about doing a Whole30 while breastfeeding than you have already taken that first step by doing some research.  As mom’s we all want what’s best for our children and I think that eating a diet full of whole, clean foods is absolutely the best option for you and your little one.  Doing a Whole30 may seem extreme, difficult, or even impossible, but let me tell you, If I can do it, YOU can do it! Feel free to email me ([email protected]) or ask any questions in the comments below.Great info for anyone interested in doing a Whole30 while breastfeeding.

Follow us on Pinterest for more great recipe suggestions!  We love seeing Stay Fit Mom recipes in your kitchen!  Post your meals to Instagram and be sure to tag @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracy!

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  1. Did you ever pump while doing whole 30 too? Did your supply stay the same? I am finding (I’m on day 8) that my supply is slowly getting less while pumping. When I’m home, it seems okay. But I work, so I have to pump during the day. Any suggestions to help with that? Thanks for the awesome post!

    1. You probably need to add some more starchy vegetables into your diet. More sweet potatoes, squash, etc. more fats like ghee and oil should help too.

  2. What about exercise? We’re you able to do thAt during your whole30? I had trouble exercising during my last one and I wasn’t Breastfeeding! Thanks for the post?

    1. Hi Adrienne! Yes, I did still exercise. The first week is certainly an adjustment but it gets easier after that. Just make sure you’re still consuming enough carbs to keep you fueled.

  3. Are you worried your baby will have allergies reactions to foods once they start eating them or you start reintroducing them because they haven’t been exposed? I’m already dairy and soy free because my baby reacts negatively but I’m concerned that if I stop eating other things, he may have more issues once I reintroduce them. ?

    1. I personally didn’t have any trouble reintroducing new foods with my baby. I think if you can manage to start reintroducing slowly you wont have any problems either.

  4. Is sipping coconut water recommended or is it coconut milk? It’s under the “Fat” section, so I would have guessed coconut milk, but I love coconut water, so I’d be happy if it were that too!

  5. I would love to be linked to any quick and easy meal or recipe ideas for breastfeeding moms. My supply has dropped and I’m worried about my 6 month old as I plan to breastfed for at least one year. Any suggestions? I have a toddler as well and our lives are crazy. Something that keeps me from getting a well balanced meal is the time it takes to prepare. Would love to have some things on hand! Thanks!

    1. Hi Casey! We have lots of simple recipes on our Whole30 recipe tab One of my favorites is the Mexican Shepherd’s Pie becuase it’s high in fat and carbs, which are necessary for milk production. I hope this helps and that your milk supply increases again soon. Take care and thanks for stopping by our blog!

  6. I completed a Whole30 2 years ago and loved it! Although I cook Paleo for my family I still have a major sugar addiction and eat a lot of pizza ? I had baby number three 7 weeks ago and am ready to make a change. I am on day two of the Whole30, but my milk supply dropped significantly and tonight is the first time in a few weeks my baby only slept a couple hours. I’m not sure what to do, but I can’t risk nursing. Any suggestions? I’ve tried eating extra fruit, nuts and even pumpkin. I also had spaghetti squash with dinner. Usually my boobs fill up at night, but it’s 2am and they haven’t. I’m really worried about this. I’m not hungry at all I’m actually making myself eat.

  7. Glad I found this, totally awesome. I have tried some different clean eating programs…but Whole 30 seems to fit best within my parameters while breastfeeding. I’m on day 3. My son is 21 months and the idea of restricting calories makes me stressed just thinking about it. I downloaded an app called Water Minder to help me meet minimum daily water goals. I’m hoping to reset some poor food habits. I eat healthy foods, but just too many, at the wrong time of day sometimes and tend not to drink enough water. Time to make a change!