10 Plus At Home CrossFit Workouts for Pregnancy
on Mar 30, 2016, Updated Mar 05, 2020
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Pregnancy can be a hard time in a woman’s life. I’ve never been one to LOVE being pregnant, but this pregnancy really has been my easiest, and I think that is largely because of my decision to remain diligent in my exercise routine. I wasn’t able to workout as vigorously with my other two boys, so if you’re looking at the computer on bed rest or with high risk restrictions, please know that I have been there and I know how hard that can be. Give your body the rest your baby needs, and rest assured that you can hop back on or even begin a new CrossFit program after that sweet baby of yours meets you!
Always consult your health care provider regarding your exercise routine during pregnancy. We share with our readers what has been successful for us in our own lives.
For the rest of you in the clear, we hope that these CrossFit workouts increase your energy level all while safely pushing your body to limits that are healthy for you and baby! We post workouts you can do at home with little to no equipment every wednesday!
Follow us @stayfitmom_Tracy and @stayfitmom_Krista on Instagram and on our Facebook page where we love getting personal. You can also subscribe to Stay Fit Mom for healthy recipes, workouts, and encouragement!
Click on each link (or picture) below for a full description of the workouts, modification options, as well as necessary equipment.
- Double Unders, Lunges and Dips
- Lunges, Shuttle Run, and Plank
- Pregnancy Tabata Workout
- Ultimate Butt Workout
- Death by Jump Rope
- Park Workout
- 10, 15, 20 Workout
- Run and Squat Workout
- Pregnancy Chipper Workout
- At Home Dumbbell Workout
- Double Unders, Air Squats, and Plank
- Stroller Workout
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Wishing you a healthy, safe pregnancy! Congratulations and don’t forget to let us know how you’re doing over on Instagram or our Facebook Page!
Use code: weeklyworkout and save $5 on our 6 Week At Home Workout Program
This is awesome and just what I’ve been looking for. I’m 8 weeks in to my 3rd pregnancy and promised myself I’m not going to gain quite as much weight as the last two pregnancies. I managed to lose the 50 lbs I gained plus more (nothing like nursing, chasing two babies 17 months apart, and a crossfit work out or two to shed some lbs!). I don’t want to start from scratch when this one comes out. Regardless, my body feels exhausted, sick, and not wanting to do some kettlebell swings. A few of these look great for me to do something to survive the 1st trimester fatigue. Thank you!
Congrats on your pregnancy, mama! We’re happy we could help! Wishing you the best!