Tips and Tricks for Hitting Your Water Goals

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One of the most underutilized, overlooked, readily available tool for overall health (including fat loss) is drinking water. Not only does your digestive system depend on it, but water boosts skin health, flushes body waste,  prevents kidney damage, maintains physical performance and so much more.

tips and tricks for drinking more water #STAYFITMOM

How much water should you be drinking?

We recommend our clients drink half their body weight in ounces, plus 20 ounces for every hour of exercise.  If this sounds like an outrageous amount compared to what you’re already drinking, start slow and build your way up.  Frequent bathroom visits will be in your near future but your body will adjust over time.  If this sounds like far less than you’re already drinking, you may actually need to cut back.  Too much water can throw off your electrolyte balance and have other negative effects.  Slowly cut back until you’re in this healthy range.  

Tips for Hitting your Water Goals

  • Trade out soda or other beverages with meals for water.  
  • Add lemon, lime, electrolyte drops, or other calorie free flavorings.
  • Find a water bottle with a straw.
  • Find a water bottle that’s labeled.
  • Fill your water bottle before bed and put it on your nightstand.  When you wake up you’ll be ready to conquer your water goals right from the start!
  • Any time you leave the house, make sure your water bottle goes with.
tips for drinking more water and how much to drink each day #stayfitmom #water

Water Bottle Recommendations

Any way you get that water in is just fine and you don’t need ANYTHING fancy to do it.  That being said, so many of our clients said they’re much more likely to drink their water when they’ve got a cute cup in hand.  Our clients love hydroflasks and Takeya’s, but our personal most recent favorite, the 40 oz Cold1 Mug from Reduce Everyday.  Fits in most cup holders, has a straw, it’s adorable AND affordable.  Use code STAYFITMOM to receive 20% off ANY product form Reduce Everyday.

Interested in learning the benefits of sleep and fat loss? Click HERE.

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