Weekly Workout
on May 06, 2020
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It’s week like 26 of quarantine right? It sure feels like it. One thing that keeps us going in our house is daily exercise. Last Monday a friend tagged me on Instagram to try this workout. I’m modifying it a bit for those of you who probably don’t have a barbell. Let me know if you try it, it was fun!
4 round for time of:
5 Push-ups
10 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings
40 Double Unders (80 single)
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Equipment Needed:
Modification Options: If needed, decrease the number of rounds to 3 or change some of the exercises. If you don’t have a kettlebell use a dumbbell or do some air squats instead. All workouts are modifiable.
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Follow us on Pinterest for great workout suggestions! ! Post your workout to Instagram and be sure to tag @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracy!