Client Spotlight, Uncategorized

New Coach Spotlight Chelsea Cohen

This client spotlight is a special one. Not only are we highlighting Chelsea’s incredible transformation story with SFM, but we’re also introducing you to one of the coaches that recently joined the staff!

We love having Chelsea on the team. She is not only passionate about being the best version of herself, but she loves encouraging other women to do the same!

What Coach Tracy has to say about Chelsea,

I’ve had the privilege of coaching Chelsea for 4 years, but we’ve been friends for a lot longer than that. Chelsea is a GO-GETTER in every sense of the word. She is alway up for trying something new, but she also has this amazing ability to make you feel completely at ease when you’re with her. Chelsea’s metabolism is IMPRESSIVE to say the least, but what’s more incredible is that Chelsea isn’t afraid to fuel her body the way she know it should be. Chelsea has a servant heart. She goes above and beyond when it comes to helping others, and I love that she KNOWS she can serve others all the more when she takes care of herself FIRST.

SFM: Tell us about yourself!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  

Chelsea: I’m a stay at home mom to three kids, ages 10, 6, 3. I love being active, in whatever way I can fit into my daily routine. We live in a small town in NW Indiana, where my husband is an Assistant Principal at his Alma Mater. Some of my favorite things are: crossfit, volleyball, running, walks to DQ, playing outside with my kids, date nights, and being surrounded by our church fam.

SFM: What made you fall in love with Macros & Stay Fit Mom?


Convenience and accountability which led me into this amazing community of women all working in their own unique way towards a similar goal. We sign up thinking we’re going “lose weight” and we come out realizing that’s not all there is to life. Knowledge is power and it’s so important when it comes to food! Knowing what a portion size consists of allows me to be conscious even when I’m having a non-tracking day. I have noticed recently that my kids will grab a bowl to put chips in, instead of just grabbing the bag! That is a HUGE win for me! I’m setting an example for healthy habits. Chips aren’t bad, they can be a treat, but in moderation. Do my kids weigh their chips, NO, but most of the time they don’t refill their bowl back up with more.

I’ve never had any interest in cooking or being in the kitchen in general! But when you have people that count on you to feed them, EVERY SINGLE DAY (woof), something has to give. Cereal can’t be your go to every night… It was a blessing not only for my postpartum fat loss journey, but for my family’s overall well being! Now I spend a big portion of my day in the kitchen, big surprise with all of the people I have to feed, but now I love it!

SFM: You openly share about your youngest daughter’s special needs. How has tracking your macros impacted your journey with Loryn?

Chelsea: Loryn is 100% G-tube fed. Not all will understand this, but I know in my heart that the Lord gave me the perseverance to sustain my own macro journey to better help our family prepare for Loryn’s journey. Counting macros has been a solid foundation for me during our hardest days navigating through her special needs journey. 

It has given me the building blocks to be able to properly fuel Loryn’s body for her daily activity and help her catch up. I can prepare her food with absolute confidence that she is getting what she needs. She probably not only has the most micronutrient dense diet than most typical kids do, but also the most well balanced macronutrient diet as well. She definitely gets WAY more protein at this age than my older two did. Since we made the switch to giving her a fully blended diet (medical terminology for real/whole foods, blended down enough to fit through her tube) we have seen tremendous growth and strength in her physically. It’s amazing and such a blessing!

SFM: Your current macros have you eating over 2700 calories/day.

  • P:155
  • C: 321
  • F:91

How have you been able to lose the postpartum baby weight and radically change your body composition while eating THAT MUCH FOOD? What would you say to women who are fearful of increasing their calories?

Chelsea: Carbs are life!! Seriously, I’ve always been a big snacker. Even as a child, my bonus dad always teases how I would ask for snacks non-stop. The thing about snacks though is they typically don’t have much protein so in order to keep the snack life strong, I had to learn to work in enough protein every chance I get. One of my favorite snacks is two Oikos yogurts (20c 0f 30p) mixed with 200g of a diced apple(30c 5fiber). BUT there is no way I would have been able to figure this out on my own, I had to lean into my coach 100%. I think it made it easier for me because I had never thought of food as bad or eating less is better. I want to hug every single woman I know who thinks they have to constantly be hungry in order to lose weight. Learning that fat loss looks different than weight loss makes all the difference.

SFM: You’ve been on this journey for 4 years. How have you been able to sustain macro counting in your life for so long? How has this process different from other quick fix diets?

Chelsea: I can eat ice cream every night if I want! What can be more freeing than that? It’s a common theme to hear a woman say how they had ice cream followed with, but I didn’t eat all day or I worked out an extra 10 minutes so I could etc… etc… etc… Girl, it’s ok to eat ice cream, just fit it in your day. Instead of feeling guilty at the end of the day because it wasn’t planned, you get to look forward to it! AND you’re still working towards your fat loss or maintenance goals. How could you want to live any other way? Initially it can feel restrictive which is only part of the learning curve, but it has blessed our entire family twice fold. How much time do you spend trying to decide where you’re going to eat out, instead have those choices at home. Do we want beef, turkey, chicken, pork, shrimp, etc… AT HOME! Then you get ice cream (or whatever yummy treat you planned in) after dinner, heck yea!

We are so grateful to have Chelsea on the team! Be ready to see her face a lot more around here!

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