7 Day At Home Full Body Workout Plan

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We’ve put together an at home full body workout plan full of workouts that have been very successful for us!  These workouts you can do with little to no equipment.  See the list below for equipment needs and details.   You can do this at home with your kiddos watching!  Make the summer of 2015 the summer you decide to take action!  No excuses… just results.

I've got to try this at home workout plan from StayFitMom.com!

Summer in Las Vegas for my family means we’re either inside our air-conditioned home or in our swim suits in the pool.  Swim suit season used to give me major anxiety.  I’d do my best to find the bathing suit that would cover up as much as possible and shopping for one that would fit me (the way I wanted) would usually end in frustration!  Two years ago, I started CrossFit training and I’ve never felt more confident in my body. I’ve lost over 40 pounds and the results I’ve found through functional fitness training is really unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.  You can read more about that in the 5 Steps to the Best Shape of Your Life Series.

I've got to try this at home workout plan from StayFitMom.com!

These workouts are hard.  I will not sugar coat that, but this 7 Day At Home Full Body Workout Plan will put you on the right track for success.  With workout plans like this, healthy meal planning (see the recipe tab), and a support system you are headed toward some fantastic results!

For each workout, click on the link or picture provided for a full list of details, modifications, and even video tutorials!  You can also click on the workout tab of our website for a full list of workouts you can do at home!

This post contains affiliate links.  If you purchase something from this link, we could earn a small commission.  This would be at no additional cost to you.

Equipment needed:

  • If you’d like to keep track of your time, a Timer.  (We frequently use the MYWOD app and recommend it to our readers.  You can keep track of your workouts, they’ve got How To videos, and of course the app has great timers.)
  • Jump Rope
  • Dumbbells (moderate weight)
  • Plyo Box (but you can get creative and use a block wall or bench)

Day 1: Burpees and Double Unders or Single Skips

Love these workouts from stayfitmom.com. I can do them from home with my kiddos! They're not too long, but pretty intense!!Day 2: At Home Core Workout

I've got to try this CORE workout when I get home!

Day 3: Chipper Workout

Stay Fit Mom offers weekly workouts that you can do for FREE from your home with little or no equipment!

Day 4: Crucial to recovery and results.  I've got to try the at home workout plan from StayFitMom.com!

Crucial for your body to recover, especially if you’re not used to exercising on a regular basis.

Day 5: Track Workout

Track Workout-Love these workouts from stayfitmom.com. I can do them all of them from home with my kiddos! They're not too long, but pretty intense!!

Day 6: 15 Minute AMRAP

Quick but intense workouts you can do at home. Little to know equipment needed!

Day 7:  At Home Cardio Workout

At home Cardio Workout that will burn fat and build muscle.

Good luck!!  Let us know how your 7 day full body at home workouts go!  We know you can do it!

I've got to try this at home workout plan from StayFitMom.com!

Follow us @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracy on Instagram and on our Facebook page where we love getting personal.  You can also subscribe to Stay Fit Mom for healthy recipes, workouts, and most of  all inspiration and encouragement!

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  1. Thanks so much! I feel like so many bloggers are kind of phoning it in with photo dumps and sponsored posts, you are one of the few that seem like you actually work on helpful content, like all your free workout plans, shape ups, and focus-on posts. I really appreciate the time you put in on these plans!