Client testimonial and transformation (before/after) photo.
Client Spotlight, Macro Counting

Making Changes for the Long Haul

This month’s client spotlight is a special one! Carla has steadily tracked her macros in our program for almost two years! She is the definition of steady wins the race and we’re thrilled to share her story with you! What an incredible transformation!

Tell us a little bit about your story. Work? family? What’s a typical day in your life look like?

Carla: I am 56 years old and have been married for almost 34 years.  We have 2 adult daughters, who have both gotten married in the 2 years since I have been with SFM.  I am a Registered Nurse and for the past 6 years have worked from home.  About 15 months ago, we moved from a neighborhood with plenty of sidewalks to a rural setting.  We are living our dream in a cabin in the woods and are loving every minute.  Our lifestyle has changed drastically, moving from 1/3 acre to 10 acres – much less TV and way more outdoor projects and upkeep that keep us busy. 

Family photo of the Stay Fit Mom Client Spotlight

How did you find Stay Fit Mom and what made you decide to take the leap?

Carla: I found SFM on Instagram.  I was following a lot of “diet” bloggers since I had been doing a variety of Whole 30, Paleo, and clean eating for a while.  I have been overweight pretty much my entire life and have tried all types of diets in the past, some more successful than others, but the weight always returned over time.  About 2 years ago, my weight was at an all time high.  I felt bad all the time, everything hurt, and I was always tired.  We ate out a lot, because it was just easier than cooking for two.  I kept seeing Krista’s posts and looked at the SFM website many times.  She posted something about a new group starting in April and I decided that I should give it a try (what did I have to lose other than the money and 6 weeks?) and nervously signed up.  I remember getting the initial email from Chelsea about all the information needed and found out about having to post the weekly check-ins in the FB group.  I pretty much came unglued and emailed Chelsea that if I had to take pictures and post them publicly, I wasn’t sure this program was for me. I hated having my picture taken and now I had to do it barely clothed and post it on social media?  Her email back was very supportive and encouraging.  I remember that morning very well, as it was the day we were going wedding dress shopping with my daughter.  I spent way too long trying to talk myself out of the whole thing, but ultimately decided that I didn’t want to feel the way I did any longer and had to try something outside of my comfort zone, it was only 6 weeks, right?  

You embody perseverance in this journey! How have you been able to stick with this and keep hammering away? Specifically, what are some of the systems and processes you’ve implemented that have helped you stay consistent?

Carla: One of the things that stuck with me from a SOS video was this quote: “Motivation is a feeling and it follows action”.  I always thought something was wrong with me for not having enough motivation to eat better, work out more, etc.  I have noticed that as I have implemented the principles that have been shared, I want to eat better and move more, because of how I feel when I do those things regularly.  The SOS videos have provided great information and reminders for every part of my journey. 

Client testimonial and transformation (before/after) photo.

I love that no foods are off limits or “bad” and could be incorporated into my day without feeling like I was missing out.  I love Reese PB cups and remember seeing that Tracy would log her Reese into her day first.  That was huge for me since chocolate was something that I could eat all day everyday.  I started tracking it daily and eventually got to the point that I really didn’t think about it or crave it anymore.   

By nature, I am a perfectionist.  I wanted to ensure that what I was tracking was exactly what I ate.   This was time consuming and frustrating for me.  I would hear Krista say or see her comment that some small differences in the macros (like not having the exact same product that she used) would not make that much of a difference in the long run.  I started giving myself permission to use a product with similar macros to make a recipe and just log it as she created it.  This was one thing that helped me release my “all or nothing” thinking.  Small changes, even if they aren’t perfect, add up!  Same thing with eating out.  In the beginning, I just wouldn’t track that day if there was no nutrition information for the specific restaurant.  I had to learn to be ok with finding something similar, tracking it and moving on.  This is a journey and my goal is to make sustainable changes in my thinking and actions.

Client testimonial and transformation (before/after) photo.

Weighing ingredients was a big eye opener.  I knew about serving sizes, but would just eye it or guesstimate and thought I was close.  But this made me realize how far off I had been and how many more calories I was consuming.  

Give yourself grace.  Life isn’t always going to go as you plan – there will be social events, vacations, date nights, unexpected activities that come up…. Don’t obsess about it.  I couldn’t beat myself up for having an off day or two, I just had to accept the decisions I made and start fresh tomorrow.   Maximizing the green days when my schedule was “normal”  was something Chelsea encouraged me to do to maintain a balance in some of my busy seasons.  

Client testimonial and transformation (before/after) photo.

What’s your most used, favorite SFM recipe?

Carla: Where do I start?  I don’t think I could pick any one favorite… I purchased the cookbooks pretty early since the concept of macros was new and overwhelming and they were a lifesaver!  I didn’t have to think about figuring out a recipe and entering it all into MFP or doing the calculations – all that work was done.  Even after 2 years, we still use them daily.  If I had to pick a few favorites , they would be:  Biscuits and gravy casserole, Breakfast wonton cups, Chicken Parmesan Gnocchi, and the Korean Turkey bowls, but we have loved all that I have made.  My love for cooking has returned and having food and snacks prepped and readily available makes life so much easier.

How has your macro counting journey impacted other areas of your life besides getting a new wardrobe? Share some of your favorite Non Scale Victories.

Carla: My sleep is so much better.  I also feel better overall – I don’t have the daily aches and pains.  The biggest change I’ve noticed is my energy level. In the past, I could usually keep up and do the hard work, but it would take a couple of days for my body to recover.  WIthout the changes I have made through SFM, moving to our new house would not have been as enjoyable. We spend so much time and energy taking care of our property.  Two years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to do the things we are doing daily now, like cutting and carrying firewood, mowing and weed-eating for hours at a time, planting and maintaining multiple garden beds, and just the general care it takes.  I’m more self-confident and less self-conscious, which at my age is very freeing.  

Tell us about your experience working with Coach Chelsea specifically.

Carla: Chelsea is the best cheerleader and gently pushes me to succeed.  She has been a steady supporter and encourager in my journey.   She has always been able to point out the non-scale changes in myself that I minimize or can’t see.  Having her as my coach has truly been a blessing and I could never thank her enough for walking alongside me in all the ways she has.

A message from Coach Chelsea to Carla:

Chelsea: You have been a HUGE encouragement to me! This journey has been a big change of pace from what you’ve been used to in the past. I’ve seen you push through all of the fluctuations throughout this process. Yes, the progress pictures you send me are AMAZING, but seeing you in the picture from your daughter’s wedding this year made me SO happy for you. That smile! You were glowing and you didn’t have to be a certain weight to feel that way. It can be tough to stay the course in a season of maintenance and from my perspective, you do it gracefully. Still enjoying travel and dinners out, but you plan ahead and know what you need to do in order to continue to be content with where you’re at. YOU put in the work Carla! I want you to share your journey with other women who will benefit from hearing not just the victories, but the struggles too. 

Interested in macro nutrition coaching? Learn more about our program and get registered today!

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