Weekly Workout
on Feb 26, 2020
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I hope you’re still working hard on your goals almost 2 months into the new year. If youre goals included getting a great workout in most days of the week, you’ve come to the right place! These weekly workouts require little to no equipment and are never more than 30 minutes. Give this week’s new workout a try!
3 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
- double-unders (or single unders)
Rest 2 minutes, then:
15 minute AMRAP of:
- 10 jumping lunges
- 10 mountain climbers
- 10 hand release push-ups
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Equipment Needed:
Modification Options: Be sure to modify this at home workout to your ability level. Do single jump rope if you haven’t mastered double unders yet. But keep in mind this would be a great time to practice them.
Use code: weeklyworkout and save $5 on our 6 Week At Home Workout Program
Follow us on Pinterest for great workout suggestions! ! Post your workout to Instagram and be sure to tag @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracy!