Navigating Your Health During Stressful Times
on Mar 22, 2020, Updated May 13, 2024
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In this post we’ll discuss the do’s and don’ts for navigating your health during stressful times.
Stress can really take a toll on our bodies physically in more ways than one. While stressful events in our lives will come and go, having an intentional plan to combat stress can help dramatically.
Right now our country needs as many healthy individuals helping each other as we can get! Let’s do our part by staying healthy both mentally and physically for one another!
Things to Avoid/ Limit
- Avoid mindless snacking
- Limit news/social media consumption
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Limit negativity
- Limit caffeine intake
Things to Do
- Eat balanced: think protein with every meal and snack
- Plan your meals ahead of time
- Take your vitamins
- Do an At-home workout: CLICK HERE for a full list of workout you can do with little to know equipment.
- Drink proper water intake (½ body weight in ounces + 20 ounces for every hour of exercise
- Stick to a routine
- Go to bed early
- Strive for 8-9 hours of sleep: Read about Sleep and Fat loss HERE
- Have morning quiet time
- Hike
- Read/listen to a book
- Get fresh air
- Pray/ meditate
- Go for a jog
- Face-time a family member
- Ask how you can be of service to someone else
- Yoga
- Deep breathing
- Walk your dog
- Take a bath
- Journal things you’re grateful for
- Craft with your kids
- Cook/ bake in the kitchen with your family
- Clean
- Organize your home
Trade out the don’ts for do’s and you’ll find not only a boost in your mental health but in your physical health as well! If you’ve got other ideas for de-stressing, we’d love to hear them!
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