30 Day Macro Friendly {High Protein} Dinner Plan

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For the first time in probably a year, I finally feel like I’m getting my sh*t together.  I always call the baby’s first year of life survival mode, and by this I mean that my main goals each day are to keep all three kids alive.  This phase of life for me has largely been categorized by reacting to the kid that screams the loudest.  But I’m happy to report things appear to be turning a corner… for now.

Last week I went to a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting on family meal planning.  One may presume that being a health and fitness blogger comes with a solid dinner schedule and meal planning routine.  I’m here to tell you that this assumption is false.  I am usually a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, can-eat-the-same-thing-4 days-in-a-row, meal prepper.  While I am diligent about hitting my macros with high quality foods, I also go to the grocery store WAY too often, and spend more money on food than I’d like to because my dinner plans are… lacking.  This lackadaisical approach to dinner planning has left me staring blank faced into the fridge a few more times than I’d like to admit.  It has also led to eating out more times than both my bank account and my body would like.

Alas, the perfect trifecta of motivation, that had me coming up with dinner plans (for an entire month!), came early this morning after…

a.  The MOPS meeting.

b.  My baby’s solid two naps per day schedule (finally).

c.  Chris and my desire to nail down our grocery budget (thank you Dave Ramsey), as well as my previous post on Eating Out and Macro Counting.

It took me about an hour and a half to figure out what meals our family would actually eat and when the meals matched up best with our schedules.  I planned in one taco night each week as well as two left over nights each week, which made the rest pretty darn manageable.

And let me tell you, I am already reaping the benefits of being proactive versus reactive.  I didn’t buy anything at the store that wasn’t on my list, which made grocery shopping with three kids more efficient and in turn, a smidgen less painful.

I’m also looking forward to some of the variety my family’s going to get this month, and this could be just the newness of it all, but cooking some of these new meals sounds almost fun.  Who am I?

Wanna join in on the fun?  Click the link below for a full list of recipes from my  30DayMacroFriendlyDinnerMealPlan!

A macro friendly 30 day meal plan for the busiest of moms from StayFitMom.com.

Print out the calendar below and create your own! 

Create your 30 Day meal plan with this great template from StayFitMom.com

With January coming to a close, let’s keep the momentum going in February!

Need help calculating your Macronutrient Prescription?  

calculating your macros

 If you’re interested in counting macros, check out all our free information here and email us today ([email protected]) to join our next coaching group. Our coaching services are conducted through a private Facebook group and include one-on-one nutrition counseling tailored to your diet, macro adjustments as needed, meal ideas, as well as high levels of accountability and support. For more information visit our page here.

Macro Coaching available at stayfitmom.com

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25 High Protein Meal Ideas


Happy meal planning!

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