I'm starting today!

Set Goals to Keep Yourself Motivated

I’m a list checker.  I really like the feeling I get when I can check something off a list.  In fact, sometimes I might even write something down that I’ve already done, just to check it off.  Silly, I know, but in my crazy life, that sometimes feels so out of control, I like to visually see what accomplishments I’ve made.

S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting is vital for me.  It’s what keeps me striving for progress and it’s something I continually do in my own life to maintain my personal health and fitness.

I'm starting today!

What is a S.M.A.R.T. Goal?

Specific:  The goal needs to be specific to YOU.  “Get in shape” means different things to all of us.  The college athlete might define  “in shape” as a sub 5:30 mile.  When I first started, one of my goals was to run a mile without walking.

Measurable:  You want to be able to measure your progress in some way.  You’ll know if your goal is measurable if you can answer questions like, “How many?” “How much?” “How long will it take me?”  One of my current goals is to be able to do 10 strict pullups.  “I want to be a strong athlete.”  Is not measurable.

Attainable:  This is a big one. Short term AND long term goals are important, but both short term and long term goals need to be attainable.  Whatever goal you make, make sure that it’s realistic.  For me, “Make the Olympic Games!” is not an achievable goal.  Maybe some day I will go as spectator.

Relevant:  Base your goals on what matters to YOU in your current PHASE OF LIFE.  I’m a mother of two kids.  I know that going to the gym 2-3 hours a day would make me a better athlete, but for our family, 1 hour a day is what works for us.  I want health and fitness to ADD to my quality of life not TAKE AWAY from the people that are most important to me.

Timely:  I need a deadline to give me a good push.  What’s a realistic amount of time to achieve your goals? I try to make 3 month, 6 month, and 1 year goals.

Here’s an example of a few of the CrossFit goals I had for the 2014 year.


Here’s a FREE Goals printable to get you started!

Once you’ve set your SMART goals you have to COMMUNICATE them to the people you surround yourself with.  I even went as far as to post my goals on social media, because I felt like that would keep me ACCOUNTABLE.  Post your goals in strategic places so that they continue to inspire you; your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, maybe your car.

If your goals are body image related here are a few suggestions…

1.  Take a current picture (front, side, and back) of yourself.  It may be hard to look at, but in a few months you’ll be glad you can visibly see your progress.

2.  Measure yourself.  If your goals are weight loss related, then you can weigh yourself as well, but keep in mind that your weight is just a number and that number can be deceiving.  Strong women have muscles and muscle mass may increase the number you see on the scale even if your waistline is shrinking.

3.  Write down your current size in clothing.  You may need a new wardrobe soon!

Now that you’ve set your goals, it’s time to PLAN!  Check out our next post in the series, Plan For Success!


5 Steps to the Best Shape of my Life

1.  Set GOALS to keep yourself motivated.

2.  PLAN for success.

3.  It’s all about the FOOD.

4.  Sweat it out in your WORKOUT.




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  • Reply Kim January 25, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    How did you do on your 2014 goals? 🙂

    • Reply Tracy January 25, 2015 at 10:28 pm

      Thanks for asking, Kim! I actually accomplished all of the goals listed. I did make one additional goal of 10 strict pull ups, but I didn’t quite get that one in 2014. It’s now on my 2015 goal list! I loved watching you get your Double Under Goal!!

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