Learning to Embrace Your Pregnant Body

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I think one of the hardest things about being pregnant is accepting the changes that our bodies go through and accepting the way we look.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that being pregnant isn’t about being the cutest, fittest pregnant mom, but that it’s about creating the cutest, healthiest little baby.  I feel like with each pregnancy I’m learning to embrace my pregnant body a little more and focusing less on my image.What I've learned about embracing all the things that come along with pregnancy. Why your appearence isn't something to worry about.

Follow us @stayfitmom_Tracy and @stayfitmom_Krista on Instagram and on our Facebook page where we love getting personal.  You can also subscribe to Stay Fit Mom for healthy recipes, workouts, and encouragement!

One thing that really helps me embrace my pregnant body is to think about the way I felt before pregnancy when looking at a pregnant woman.  I always thought that they looked so beautiful and really do have a special glow.  I would look at pregnant women and think about how I missed being pregnant and was looking forward to it.  It’s so easy to forget that feeling when we are finally in their shoes, have gained over 40 pounds, have swollen feet, stretch marks, and varicose veins. But what I have come to realize is that no one else notices these little things that we sometimes let get us down. Don't let pregnancy make you feel less beautiful. Learn to be happy with yourself for the sacrifice your making.

True Story – In my first trimester a few months back my husband and I were at Costco on a Saturday afternoon when they were giving out all the free samples.  I was so sick and miserable that day, and pretty much my whole first trimester, that I didn’t allow myself to test anything and was in a sour mood.  We were walking around when my husband stopped and pointed out another pregnant woman. We watched her walk around testing everything with one hand on her belly and a huge smile on her face.  He said, “Look at her, I just want you to walk around without a care in the world all fat and happy just like that”  (or something along those lines). The point of this story is that all that really matters is that we are happy and we let it show.  There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman with a smile on her face.

untitled-0923Now more than ever before pregnant woman are viewed as beautiful and can show off their ever growing baby bump.  Pamper yourselves, buy some cute maternity clothes, get some professional photos taken, send your husband to get the baby some ice cream, and enjoy every moment you can.  Once your baby comes you can worry about getting back into your pre-pregnancy jeans, but for now, eat a freaking doughnut if you want and be happy about it!Embrace all things pregnancy and learn to be happy!All the photos on this blog post were taken by Jackie Kinney Photography.  Jackie does amazing work and I just can’t get over how beautiful she made me feel when I needed it most! I can’t thank you enough Jackie! If you are local to Las Vegas and need a photographer check her out on Facebook and Instagram as well.
Learning to Embrace Your Pregnant BodyDon't let pregnancy make you feel less beautiful. Learn to be happy with yourself for the sacrifice your making.

Follow us @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracyon Instagram and on our Facebook page where we love getting personal.  You can also subscribe to Stay Fit Mom for healthy recipes, workouts, and most of  all inspiration and encouragement!

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