Macro Counting and Fit Before 60 Years Old
on Oct 30, 2022, Updated May 13, 2024
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Meet SFM Client Spotlight Diane! This client spotlight is a special one.
Diane is Coach Jamie’s best friend’s mom in fact, she is like a second mother to her!
Because Diane knows Coach Jamie so well, has followed SFM since the very beginning, but only before her 59th birthday did she know she was ready to make and sustain the change. She was determined to end her 50s healthier and fitter and happier than she started them!
Diane started in May of 2022 and she has hit her macros almost every single day since then. She has been patient the weeks the scale stays the same and has continued to grind. She got the SFM cook books and has meal prepped with them each week. As a result her husband is eating a lot healthier and more balanced, too. Her energy increased with her first months of consistency, so she has been able to start exercising each day as well!
Diane considers this a lifestyle change and her consistency, diligence and determination is inspiring! She has not slept better or felt this good or had this much energy to keep up with her grandkids in a LONG time. It makes me so happy for her and so grateful to SFM!
Tell us a little bit about your story and health history prior to starting SFM.
Diane: A little bit about my healthy history is that when I was 34 I found out I had a very rare form of tumors (growing since birth) that attached to my nerves, spinal cord, and brain stem. After multiple surgeries and radiation I have just one small benign unremovable tumor on my nerve sack on my spine. This has caused lots of nerve damage to my body making day to day life a little tougher. This is part of what gives me my strength and determination to give it my all with anything I do. Doctors told me after my surgeries I may not walk, I will never wear heels, be able to dance, and very likely wheelchair bound by 50. I like to dance into my appointments in my heels! The radiation also caused irreversible damage to my ovaries, colon, bladder, and anything bowel related, which is what finally gave me the push to eat better. A last attempt after many meds and procedures to try and help control bowel and intestinal issues.
We know it took you a while to take the plunge with macro counting. How long were you watching from afar and what made you finally go for it?
Diane: I have been watching Stay Fit Mom from the ground up. I was even in the original “Phat girls club” that Tracy and Krista went to almost 20 years ago! Tracy and Jamie are like family to me, so I have always been a supporter from afar. For the last 2 years I have been watching and just getting fed up with my stomach issues, and an added 15 pounds that I could not seem to drop no matter what I tried. I decided for my 59th birthday I wanted a coaching session as my gift, so I could start 60 “my golden years” with a healthier and happier me!
What would you say to the women out there who may think macro counting is only for those 35 and under? What challenges (if any) do you believe are unique to women counting macros over 50?
At 59 years old, I would say the biggest thing is that our bodies do not rebound like they once did. I think it takes a bit longer to notice it on the scale and especially physically. I think we imagine we will all of a sudden look like our 35 year old self with that tight skin full of collagen, tummy muscles, and no dimples. But this is just not the case. But one day you will notice the changes and say to yourself, “Damn, I look great for 59!” Hang in there, it does not happen overnight and at our age we need consistency more than ever.
How has your macro journey impacted other areas of your life besides just needing a new wardrobe?
Diane: ENERGY! This is something I was not expecting or even striving for. I knew I would feel better but I imagined it being tummy related, self esteem related, and aesthetically. The amount of energy I have is more than I did 10 years ago! I work 5 days a week, pick up my grandchildren (1 and 7) from school every day, watch them until Mom picks them up. After I am meal prepping all the things, eating dinner, fitting in a small workout, and then off to bed. This routine has gotten so much easier with more energy. I used to spend all weekend recovering from the week, and now I am on the go most weekends.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome when it comes to sticking to the plan?
Diane: Honestly. Sticking to the plan is the easy part. It is making the plan that is the hard part. If I spent the time preparing the night before, you can be SURE I am sticking to it. Jamie said a career in bookkeeping would make me crazy about getting all green days and “balancing my book” and BOY WAS SHE RIGHT.
You’re one of the MOST consistent clients that we have. What advice do you have for those that struggle with consistency?
Diane: PREP PREP PREP. I do not ever plan my day, the day of. I always have multiple meals ready in the fridge and freezer as well. Unless there is a last minute invite out to eat or life situations, I am prepared and know exactly what my day will hold food wise the night before. Also My Fitness Pal and Krista’s cookbooks make it 1000 times easier to be successful. If you are not using these tools currently, I HIGHLY SUGGEST you start. I have been doing this for 6 months, and have just recently started coming up with my own meal ideas. Most of the last 6 months have been ALL of Krista’s recipes. She has them down to a science.
What keeps you continuing with coaching over and over again with Coach Jamie?
Diane: At this age it takes a while to understand it all. My daughter had to do almost everything social media and computer wise for me the first 3 months (she still does a bit for me). So I feel like I am just now getting confident that I have this thing down. But I am also VERY grateful for Jamie and the time she commits to me in her busy life, so I almost feel like I need to do it for her too.
What habits have you picked up since starting the program that have contributed to your success?
The habit of learning that food fuels my body. That I do not need to eat less, but actually more. I’m positive any woman my age has been through a number of diet culture trends, pills, and body dysmorphia issues. It is very hard to un-train a 59 year old woman that they can eat all the things and look great. My coworkers ask about “this crazy diet” and how much longer I will do it. The response is always, “It’s not a diet and it’s for life.”