Counting Macros Through Menopause
on Aug 28, 2022, Updated May 13, 2024
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One of the most frequently asked questions we get at Stay Fit Mom is, “Have you worked with women going through menopause and beyond?”
Today, Stay Fit Mom Ninja Robin (58 years young) shares her personal experience with counting macros through menopause. We hope that she’ll inspire and encourage you!
Tell us a little bit about your story and how you stumbled upon Stay Fit Mom.
Robin: I have struggled with my weight basically all my life. I was very heavy as a child and was not near a normal, healthy weight until around 10th grade when I found exercise and dieting. Fast forward through all the years of diets, programs, pills, etc. I began the keto diet. I found it easy to sustain and I stayed in that lifestyle for near 5 years. All the while I was creating an unhealthy inner body. Cholesterol eventually peaked out over 350. I did not feel healthy. I found that I just did not know how to “eat” normally anymore. I started researching macronutrients and how to use them to develop a “normal” way of living/eating. I knew people from the gym who maintained an active, healthy lifestyle following such a plan. Next I started reading, researching the internet to find the right people to guide me in this new journey. It took about 4 months of following groups, coaches, nutrition sites to help me make a decision of where to start. I stumbled upon Krista on Instagram. Through her postings and videos, I found Stay Fit Mom. Over and over I kept coming back to the site. I made my decision to join the 6 week challenge last September. I have been here ever since that initial challenge and plan to be here for a long time to come.
What’s your diet background and how does SFM compare to your previous experiences with dieting?
Robin: I have done every single diet imaginable….. WW, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Medifast, South Beach diet, you name it, I’ve done it. Nothing is sustainable as a lifestyle like SFM.
If you don’t mind sharing, how many years young are you? What would you say to the women out there who may think macro counting is only for those 35 and under? What challenges (if any) do you believe are unique to women counting macros over 50?
Robin: I will be 58 on 9/26. This has been a journey that has alleviated most of my menopausal symptoms and given me back the energy I felt in my 40’s. I have learned to listen to my body and I am learning what particular foods/ingredient trigger undesirable reactions related to my aging process. I wished I had started this a lot sooner in life, sure would have taken away a lot of stress over weight loss. I have also eliminated all the prescription meds I was on since I have been following the macro lifestyle!
How has your macro journey impacted other areas of your life besides just needing a new wardrobe?
Robin: As mentioned before, menopause has been a breeze. No hormones for me, no hot flashes unless I have sugar, and I sleep very well now. My workouts are stronger and my recovery is fantastic. I feel like I work harder now that I see the progress.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome when it comes to sticking to the plan?
It is still difficult to plan with group and family functions. Occasions with alcohol has been on the difficult side too. I just had my first vacation since being on the plan. I started out good but if anyone has ever been on a cruise, you know! I drank all the sugary drinks, all the alcohol, and the millions of carbs, and then topped it off with dessert at every meal. I don’t believe I have ever felt so sluggish and miserable as I did the first 2 days after I came home! I gained 10.4 pounds in 5 days!! But I got back on track on Tuesday, today is Saturday, and I’m already down 7 of those pounds of fluff!
You’re one of the MOST consistent clients that we have. What advice do you have for those that struggle with consistency?
Keep your mind open to what your goals are. Write them out, put them where you can see them every day. Set small obtainable goals each week. Success feels good and you will start to crave that feeling.
What keeps you signing up for coaching over and over again with Coach Lindsay?
I have to have my accountability and Lindsay provides that for me. Plus she is helping me understand how manipulating the numbers have certain effects. I am still learning and she is always there if I need her.
What habits have you picked up since starting the program that have contributed to your success?
Tracking my food has been a life changer. I was familiar with meal prepping but using MFP and the spread sheet for Lindsay has kept me on track.
What Coach Lindsay has to say about working with Robin:
Robin is a DREAM client and an amazing human being! She is very driven and is consistent week after week, not only for her nutrition but her workouts as well. I admire that she thinks long-term, looking ahead to her weekends and planning accordingly. Having a weekend event like a wedding or getting the flu has never stopped her from prioritizing her nutrition.
Robin started at 148 pounds, coming in eating 1500 calories with a long history of Keto. She came in eating 52 grams of carbs. Over time, she trusted me to slowly work her carbs up to 150 grams. Everyone wants to blame carbs for their weight increase, but Robin is down 18 pounds, now at 130 pounds, while eating approximately 100 more grams of carbs per day!
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