Weekly Workout & BIG Announcement!!
on Mar 08, 2017, Updated Mar 05, 2020
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What an exciting few weeks it has been! Tracy and I have been staying really busy with the macro coaching groups and we couldn’t be happier about it. Had you told us a year ago we’d be meeting and helping amazing women from all over the world via online nutrition coaching we probably would have laughed and said, “In our dreams!” Well our dreams have come true and Stay Fit Mom is growing by leaps and bounds every single month. Thank you to all the followers and all our amazing girls who spread the word and have made doing what we do so much fun! We truly appreciate and love you ladies (and some gentlemen)!
The Crossfit open began 2 weeks ago and we now have workouts 17.1 and 17.2 behind us. It’s seriously the BEST time of year and so much fun. The night after I did 17.1 I looked at my husband (I was VERY tired and beat) and said, maybe it’s time to join the gym. He was all about it. The next day we went down to Crossfit Apollo (where Tracy goes!) and signed up! As much as I love our garage gym, I couldn’t be happier. The workouts have been kicking my trash and I keep going back for more. It’s been a nice change up and a lot of fun.
Ok, ok, so some of you are wondering what this big announcement is…Well, I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer. As of March 3rd, 2017, I have officially lost all the baby weight!!! 65 freaking pounds on my sweet baby girl’s 15 month birthday!
Yes, you read that right by the way. It took me 15 whole months to lose it all. I did 45 days of Whole30, Paleo off and on, and finally started counting my macros back in June. What an adventure it has been and will continue to be! I still have plenty to tone and about 10 pounds to lose by I’m just over the moon with this big milestone!
I’ll never forget how I felt when I took that first progress photo after my baby was born. I knew deep down I had the tools and power to lose it, but I was still scared out of my mind and felt like it was almost unattainable. Well here I am, I FREAKING DID IT!!
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Ok, I’ll calm down now. Here is the weekly workout for you!
4 Rounds for time of:
- 200 Meter Run
- 20 KB Swings
- 20 Alternating Dumbell Lunges
- 20 Sit-ups
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Equipment Needed:
- Dumbbell -I used 2, 25lb dumbbells for this workout.
- Kettlebell- or just use 1 of your dumbbells for the swings.
- Keep track of your time using a watch or a Timer. (We frequently use the MYWOD app and recommend it to our readers. You can keep track of your workouts, they’ve got “How-To” videos, and of course the app has great timers.)
Modification Options:
- Be sure to modify this at home workout to your ability level. Use weights you’re comfortable with.
Follow us on Pinterest for great workout suggestions! ! Post your workout to Instagram and be sure to tag @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracy!
Use code: weeklyworkout and save $5 on our 6 Week At Home Workout Program
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That’s amazing!!! Thank you for being so willing to share your own story of weight loss. Sometimes I see people and assume that they’ve just always been fit and have never had to really lose a lot of weight. This gives me the motivation to do the work. It’s daunting but if I know you did it – it gives me hope that I can too.
You’re so welcome. Thank you for your encouragement!
Wow amazing job!!!
Congratulations! An accomplishment to be proud of!
Thank you so much girl! You girls help keep me inspired every single day!