Tone it up Workout

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When I first started CrossFit, it was all about loosing the baby weight.  I wanted to look and feel good when I looked in the mirror.  However, after a few months in, it became less about the mirror and more about getting stronger, faster, and building skills.  Every CrossFit workout is measurable, which was {and still is} the part that hooked me.  It’s no longer about the mirror or the scale.  In the past, I would work really hard until I had reached some magical number on the scale and then slip back into contentment, which inevitably made me inconsistent.  No CrossFitter I know thinks that they have “arrived.”  There is always room for improvement, and that’s the main reason I believe CrossFitters are some of the fittest people you’ve ever met.  All that being said, I like what I see in the mirror more now than I ever did before.  Looking and feeling good about what I see in the mirror is a pleasant bonus to getting stronger and faster.

This week, push yourself.  Not because you want your stomach or your butt to look better, but because you want to get faster and stronger!  In return, you will quickly see results like never before.  But rest assured, this SFM Weekly Workout will help you tone up those problem areas.

Follow us on Pinterest for great workout suggestions! !  Post your workout to Instagram and be sure to tag @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracy!

New Workouts Every Wednesday!

Weekly Workout:

15, 12, 9, 6, 3

  • Sprinter Sit-ups
  • Push ups

Between each set complete a 400 meter run.

I've gotta try this Tone It Up Workout when I get home!  I love these  at home workouts from

See the video below for instructions and demos of the movements.

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Equipment Needed:

  • If you’d like to keep track of your time, a Timer.  (We frequently use the MYWOD app and recommend it to our readers.  You can keep track of your workouts, they’ve got How To videos, and of course the app has great timers.)
  • Yoga Mat for the Sprinter Sit-ups and Push-ups if desired.

Modification Options:

  • Be sure to modify this at home workout to your ability level.  Don’t let the  number of repetitions in this workout intimidate you.  There are a lot of push-ups in this workout, but it’s more about doing the movements correctly than doing high repititions.  Check out the link on the Perfect Push up to learn how to modify push ups accordingly and to get details on how to build strength to do a perfect push up!  If a 400 meter run between runs seem like to much, make it a 200 meter run.  The bottom line is anybody can do these workouts!

I've gotta try this Tone It Up Workout when I get home!  I love these  at home workouts from

Begin the workout with 15 sprinter sit-ups.  By the way, these sprinter sit-ups are a real challenge.  You will definitely feel it in your abs the next day.  See the video below for full demonstration.  After you complete the 15 sprinter sit-ups, move on to 15 push-ups.  When all 15 reps have been completed of both the sprinter sit-up and the push-ups, head out on a 400 meter run.  When you get back complete 12 sprinter sit-ups followed by 12 push-ups.  Head out for another 400 meter run.  Then move onto 9 sprinter sit-ups and 9 push-ups.  Leave for another run.  Continually work through all the movements while running your 400 meters in between each set.   You should have completed 1 mile by the end of the workout.  The workout is completed after you finish 3 sprinter sit-ups and 3 push-ups.

  • 15 sprinter sit-ups
  • 15 push-ups
  • 400 meter run
  • 12 sprinter sit-ups
  • 12 push-ups
  • 400 meter run
  • 9 sprinter sit-ups
  • 9 push-ups
  • 400 meter run
  • 6 sprinter sit-ups
  • 6 push ups
  • 400 meter run
  • 3 sprinter sit-ups
  • 3 push-ups

I've gotta try this Tone It Up Workout when I get home!  I love these  at home workouts from

Workout demo video and further instruction:

Good luck and remember  to take a picture and tag us @StayFitMom_com and @StayFitMomBlog on Instagram and use hashtag #SFMWeeklyWorkout!

Did you catch last week’s Ultimate Butt Workout?

Great pregnancy workouts every week

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