Raising boys in a women's world.
Mom Life

Raising Boys in a Women’s World

Beyonce’s song,  “Run the World (Girls),” and women’s empowerment hashtags might be flooding pop culture right now, but I’m calling on my sisters to highlight the men in their lives today. 

I married up and my husband is the unsung hero of our family.  He doesn’t have a social media platform, and people don’t recognize him in the grocery store. My husband doesn’t attend Men’s conferences or receive daily emails about Men’s empowerment. He works 42 hours a week as a pharmacist.  In addition to his full-time career, he makes our children pancakes EVERY. Single. Morning.  He coaches the boys in wrestling two times per week and puts them to bed each night.  He’s also part of the “Watch Dog” program at the boys’ elementary school, which is similar to the PTA.  Just last month he turned down a job offer he wanted because it wouldn’t allow him to spend as much time with our family.

Raising boys in a women's world.

Chris was the salutatorian of our high school.  He’s gotten one B in his whole life.  He was awarded chemistry student of the year on multiple occasions both in high school and college.  He also did okay when it came to sports; quarterback of the football team and a 3-time state champion wrestler. 

I haven’t done too bad myself.  In high school I averaged around a 3.0.  I was in student council and played volleyball, but I was far more interested in homecoming than I was homework.  I didn’t have near the work ethic Chris did in high school, but because I am a Hispanic woman, opportunities then and today continue to fall at my feet. I have received scholarships from the Latin Chamber of Commerce and invitations to be part of Leadership Las Vegas.  I’ve been recruited and paid as a Latina Blogger.  All opportunities that I am VERY thankful for. 

Last week, a close friend of mine was turned down for a job that he was number one in line for.  Not because he was under-qualified, inexperienced or unprepared, but simply because he wasn’t a woman.  

I am a champion for women.  I attend a women’s bible study and lead a group there.  I’ve led a MOPS organization and have the privilege of working with hundreds of women in my career.  Everyday I wake up grateful that I’m able to serve and encourage women, but I am nervous for my sons.  I worry that despite their very best efforts and qualifications, their job applications will be passed over, their opportunities will be minimized, because they’re unable to check the female gender box.  Too often I see women’s empowerment campaigns devaluing men and I won’t stand for that.   

Raising boys in a women's world.

My faith tells me that neither men nor women are superior to one another, that each of us are created in the image of God, for a purpose. I am blessed to be married to a man who not only role models hard work for our boys, but one that is willing to sacrifice his own ambitions and desires for the good of his family.  This sacrificial, Christ-like love, inspires me.  

Raising boys in a women's world.

When adidas.com asked me to write a post about someone who inspires me, it was a no brainer.  I’ve always loved this man, but his commitment to the needs of our family during this wild phase of life has grown my love deeper than I could have imagined.  

There’s not exactly a way to thank him for this, but I loved being able to spoil Chris with a new pair of adidas lifting shoes.  Of course, he hasn’t had a new pair of lifters in 5 years, because he NEVER splurges on himself, so I wanted him to have the very best. 

 adidas weightlifting shoes are the best!

I wouldn’t be able to live out my dreams without the steadfastness of my husband.  I depend on him as he depends on me and that interdependence is the message I want my boys to grow up witnessing.

Raising boys in a women's world.

Ladies, we all have men in our lives worth celebrating.  Let’s use our powerful influence to do just that.

This post was sponsored by adidas, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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  • Reply Kimala Douglas October 23, 2018 at 9:19 am

    I couldn’t agree more! Thank you for writing this. I was wondering if I was the only one thinking this. I am definitely sharing.

    • Reply Tracy October 23, 2018 at 9:29 am

      Thank you for your encouragement!

  • Reply Julie Popovich October 23, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    I am one of the 32% that don’t read blog posts but I do follow you on IG and LOVE your stories. You make me laugh, smile or inspire me on a daily basis and I only know you through social media. When you mentioned that there was some controversy in your post, my nosey side couldn’t resist. And I am so glad I took the time to read your post today. Not only is it so very well written, but it rings true on many levels. It is not a woman’s world or a man’s world but a PEOPLE world. I am FAR from a feminist but do believe that credit and respect should be earned, not handed out based on a culture or gender. You are a brilliant woman and always speak so candidly. Thank you for sharing your stories and life with all of us. You and your husband are lucky to have each other. = )

    • Reply Tracy October 23, 2018 at 3:22 pm

      THANK YOU for your encouragement. I’m going to read this comment every single day.

  • Reply Rebecca October 24, 2018 at 12:17 pm

    You are able to honor the men in your life, while still acknowledging that women are not is positions of power or privelage in this world. Assuming your experience is the same as others is ignorant. Women earn 80 cents on the dollar to their male equivalent They are denied the rights to education, healthcare, safety, even control over their own bodies all over the world. How lucky for you to have amazing opportunities “fall at your feet”. Many women, of all ethnicities, may have very different experiences. I’m shocked and disappointed. No longer a follower.

    • Reply Tracy October 24, 2018 at 12:30 pm

      I’m very sorry to have offended you. I recognize that there are women around the country and the world that aren’t given the same opportunities that I have been.

    • Reply Kristie October 25, 2018 at 6:21 am


      Why are you no longer a follower and why do you feel the need to tell her? So she feels badly about her opinions? One of the beautiful things about living in civilized countries is people’s ability to have varying opinions, express them respectfully, and have civil conversations with people who don’t think like you do. Do you have children? Do you always want them to agree with everyone? I’m guessing no. (And I know they won’t.) so one of my goals as a mother is to teach my children to disagree respectfully and help them to navigate respectful conversations with people who I don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye with. It’s impossible to “unfollow” (IRL and virtually) everyone you disagree with. Plus how uninteresting would one’s world become if you only interacted with people who hold the same beliefs as you? How would you learn and grow as an individual? This doesn’t mean you have to change your beliefs, but being able to have respectful discourse is a valuable asset. Respectful disagreements make the world more interesting and help us to grow and evolve in our thoughts and actions.

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