My Macro Journal

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Writing has unlocked a world for me I never thought was possible.  Ideas are constantly swarming around in my head, but Writing. Them. Down. is the bridge that turns my somedays and maybe’s into do’s and wills!  At Stay Fit Mom our team pours our hearts into the lives of other women.  We want them to succeed, and we pride ourselves in being their biggest cheerleaders, but our job is more than cheerleading.  We are in the business of creating tools that give women exactly what they need to be successful in their journey towards health and wellness.  

The My Macro journal includes macro cheat sheets, monthly calendars, pages for breakfast, lunch and dinner charting, shopping lists, as well as 12 weeks worth of daily entries for biofeedback, health goals, notes, and more.

Coach Jamie has worked tirelessly on our latest accountability tool and we are over the moon to finally be able to share it with you!  Each woman that attended the More Than Macros Retreat received their very own copy and here’s what they’re saying about it.

The My Macro journal includes macro cheat sheets, monthly calendars, pages for breakfast, lunch and dinner charting, shopping lists, as well as 12 weeks worth of daily entries for biofeedback, health goals, notes, and more.

“The macro journal is definitely my favorite gift of the year! I usually have a monthly menu with all of our dinners on it and the breakfast and lunches scribbled at the top somewhere. I also have a separate page of the weekly menu plus groceries. It typically has toddler scribble all over it! This journal has it all in ONE spot that is easily accessible and organized . I especially love that it has all of the bio feedback that we already add to our trackers. Sometimes I forget to fill out my tracker each night and then at the end of the week I am scrambling to remember all of that feedback. I can easily just keep my journal by my bedside and fill it in each night or the next morning. The journal has a super neat section to fill out something you are grateful for and one awesome thing that happened to you that day . I have been using this journal daily during my quiet time and I absolutely love it! I honestly have 12 weeks of no excuses for not being planned and on top of my macros! If you already do or are thinking about counting macros, this journal is for you!”  – Brandie

The My Macro journal includes macro cheat sheets, monthly calendars, pages for breakfast, lunch and dinner charting, shopping lists, as well as 12 weeks worth of daily entries for biofeedback, health goals, notes, and more.

“I rarely make time to journal, but I like the layout of this one! The My Macro Journal by SFM is perfect because I can visually plan my month and week and track my progress towards my goals and macros daily. The coolest part is also using it as a gratitude journal and place for self reflection at the end of the day.  And I can do it all using pretty pens.” – Cheryl

“Planning and organizing is my life. I seriously plan my life months in advance. So when I received the Stay Fit Mom Macros Journal, needless to say I was excited. Then when I opened it, it got better and better! I can write my shopping list for each meal too! Being able to write and plan all my meals for the week and month will be great! I really like the book includes positive quotes in it as well. Positivity is key to your success! Each day I get to write down my macros, sleep, workout, steps everything! You even get a space to write something amazing and something you are thankful for each day! This book is something I’ve been needing in my life! Thankful for good minds and the thoughts and efforts put into it.” – Penny

You can purchase the My Macro Journal on Amazon prime for $12.99! The journal includes macro cheat sheets, monthly calendars, pages for breakfast, lunch and dinner charting, shopping lists, as well as 12 weeks worth of daily entries for biofeedback, health goals, notes, and more. 

You know what you need to do, now it’s just a matter of following through with the plan.  Our hope for you is that this journal becomes a place that turns your thoughts, goals and dreams into action.  Go turn your someday into today!  

Happy Journaling,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Krista & Tracy

Interacting with our community on social media fuels our passion to keep on creating!  We do our best to read and respond to every single comment.  It means the world to us to know that you’re out there listening and going through the trenches right alongside us! 

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