Meet the Stay Fit Mom Macro Coaches

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At Stay Fit Mom we believe our coaching staff is second to none.  Each coach has been extensively trained to implement the Stay Fit Mom macro nutrition program which has yielded our clients incredible results for years.  Every client’s nutrition program is individualized based on the their own specific needs and lifestyle.  The coaches each bring a unique skill set to the team, all while maintaining our highest objective.  We want the best for every single client that steps into our community.  Each coach has personally participated in the Stay Fit Mom nutrition program while seeing remarkable results for themselves.  As you’ll soon read below, our coaches are passionate and enthusiastic about helping others, but they are also parents who are open and honest about their own struggles with balancing health and fitness while raising a family, and it’s this vulnerability that sets us apart.

As a team, we collectively coach women through 6 weeks of personalized nutrition counseling. Every client will receive their own coach.

Stay Fit Mom Coach Tracy


Before becoming a mom, Tracy was an educator for the Clark County School District with a  masters degree in Educational Administration.  Now, Tracy spends her days chasing around her 3 wild boys (6, 4, and 5 months) while co-owning and operating  Tracy and her husband Chris have been married for 10 years.  They enjoy an active lifestyle that consists of CrossFit, hiking, camping, travel, and Jesus.  Tracy has a passion for making health and fitness ACCESSIBLE and DOABLE for the BUSY moms who barely make it through the day without a meltdown.  She knows exactly what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and intimidated by nutrition, but has also learned how to practically make it work amongst the chaos.  Tracy finds crazy joy in encouraging other women along their journey while watching them find their groove and thrive!

Stay Fit Mom Coach Amy


Amy Gearin has been involved in fitness and nutrition since a very young age and she’s passionate about sharing her love of exercise and nutrition with others. As a child, she participated in dance, and then cheerleading and high school sports as a teenager. As an adult, she has trained and competed in triathlon and endurance sports and CrossFit.  Amy practices dentistry in her own dental practice where she emphasizes a whole health and wellness lifestyle to her patients. In addition to owning and operating her own practice,  Amy has a toddler and a newborn and is learning daily how to juggle her own health and fitness while working full time.

Stay Fit Mom Coach Krista


Krista is 33 years young, married her high school sweetheart, Chad, almost 13 years ago in the LDS temple, and is the mommy to two wild little boys and a beautiful baby girl (8, 6, and 3). From a young age Krista took an interest in health and fitness.  In college she decided to pursue that passion which lead her to a bachelors degree in physical education.  Krista currently works full-time as an elementary physical education teacher and is co-owner of Stay Fit Mom.  Krista spent two years undergoing the Stay Fit Mom macro nutrition program to shed all 65 pounds of pregnancy weight gain.  She understands what it’s like to have to lose a lot of weight and she wants you to know that if she can do it, you can too! Krista loves the confidence that comes from living a healthier lifestyle and her goal is to help others experience that same confidence.  Krista will show you how flexible macronutrient counting is and how you can easily fit it into your own lifestyle.


Jamie participated in our very first macro coaching group, and within a week she had blown us away by designing her very own macro counting app! By the end of her six-week session, she had lost the extra ten pounds she’d carried since having kids, her abs had become the “face” of SFM Macro Coaching, and she had published her app, My Daily Macros (now available on iPhone and Android). Jamie began coaching with us in January 2017, and she has enriched our team with her enthusiasm, compassion, humor, and mad spreadsheet skills. Her favorite part of coaching is empowering her clients to add foods they love into their diet while also reaching their fitness and cosmetic goals. Jamie lives in Oceanside, CA, with her husband, their two little boys, and their uncle. She has loved fitness since she was a little kid, and now that she is a mom, her boot camp is her spa time, her yoga practice helps her stay grounded each week, and the occasional Zumba class is her idea of a party.

Stay Fit Mom Coaches
Stay Fit Mom Coach Lee Ann


Lee Ann is a jack of many trades. She spends most of her time raising two amazing kids; a boy who is 12 and a girl who is 10. Lee Ann has been married to her high school sweet heart, Jeff, for 16 years. She is a RN on an Orthopedic unit. She coaches CrossFit kids and CrossFit adults. After she had her daughter she was ashamed of how out of shape she had become. Lee Ann started small with nutrition and daily walks. This sparked a fire in her to run half marathons and a full marathon. She then started CF and was amazed that she was able to do more than she ever imagined. Lee Ann loves encouraging others to believe in themselves and do more than their minds tell them they can do.

Stay Fit Mom Coach Taeya


Taeya is married and mother to 3 children (12, 7, 2).  After baby number three she battled obstacle after obstacle with her health.  Multiple surgeries left her in pain and inactive.  She started to lose confidence in who she was but little by little, with Stay Fit Mom macro coaching, she learned what worked for her body.  Now she’s anxious to help other women do the same!Taeya spent most of her childhood in her mother’s dance studio.  As a dancer, she has performed with the Osmonds, the Beach boys, Ludicrous,NSync, Britney Spears, Toby Keith and the choreographers Nappytabs from So You Think You Can Dance. She was on competitive cheer, gymnastics and dance teams all through junior high and high school. She has taught dance for over 17 years. Taeya works part time for an orthodontic office as their marketing director and an orthodontic tech.  She is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, and has a love for fitness, and inspiring others.


Kristi has always loved playing sports, working out and lifting.  After a busy season of career and having babies, she found herself at 240 pounds and needing to start over.  Determined to be able to outrun her kids, she dug in and established a great workout routine and lost the weight quickly eating low carb.  Despite consistent exercise, the weight began to creep back a year later and was not responding.  After much research, she joined a Stay Fit Mom Coaching Group in hopes that Macros could help fix her busted metabolism.  Now, in her 40’s and loving carbs, she is leaner and stronger with better body composition.  Kristi is excited to encourage other women on their journey to wellness and strength!  She loves Jesus, her husband of almost 14 years and her two daughters who are 9 and 4! 

If you’re interested in Macro Coaching (which includes 6 weeks of one-on-one nutrition counseling tailored to your diet, macro adjustments, meal ideas, high levels of accountability and additional support).  Stay Fit Mom Macro Coaching services are for you! $249 for your first 6 weeks.  New groups start the first of every month.

Reserve Your Spot Here

Learn more about our macro coaching program for men, and the coaches here

Men's macro coaching by Stay Fit Mom

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