BBQ Greek Chicken

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It seems like a good time to share this recipe here on the blog. I knew this BBQ Greek Chicken would pair nicely in the Greek Pita Bowls I shared on Tiktok (and Instagram Reels). It comes from cookbook 2 and it’s a favorite of mine. The chicken is so tender and goes great with just about anything.

You don’t have to make this chicken into kabobs. If you’re short on time just marinate chicken breasts whole. My kids love kabobs so I tend to spend the extra few minutes putting this chicken on skewers. They also make it easy to slide right onto my pita bowl.

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I almost can’t handle how little Makenna looks here. This was a few years ago and it’s reminding me how quickly times flies.

I love using these reusable kabob skewers. No more soaking and waiting for sticks to be ready.

Let me know if you try this recipe! Enjoy!

This recipe is from my Home Cooked Meals cookbook. Find many more macro calculated recipes in my books below!

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1 Comment

  1. Hey Krista, what do you think is the longest this can marinade for? I didn’t get to cooking this up tonight 😞