Weekly Workout
on Jan 01, 2020, Updated Jan 14, 2020
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It’s a new year and everyone is ready to hit the ground running! We love this time of year. You may find days you can’t make it to the gym or you’re on the road and need a good workout. Take your jump rope along for this one (one of the only pieces of equipment I often find myself packing for trips) and give this one a go.
10 Rounds for time:
- 100 double unders
- 10 push-ups
- 10 box jumps
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 mountain climbers
- 10 squats
Equipment Needed: None!
Modification Options: Be sure to modify this at home workout to your ability level. If you can’t do double unders, do 200 single jump ropes. If you don’t have something to jump on safely, step up on something or do squat jumps instead. If needed, reduce the numbers of repetitions of any movement. This shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes to complete.
Use code: weeklyworkout and save $5 on our 6 Week At Home Workout Program
Follow us on Pinterest for great workout suggestions! ! Post your workout to Instagram and be sure to tag @stayfitmom_Krista and @stayfitmom_Tracy!
I can’t find the workout demos or instructions. I just see a list of workouts. Thanks