Navigating the Post Holiday Season

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This is that special time post Christmas and New Years when we are so out of our routine that we aren’t even sure what day of the week it is! It’s the no man’s land of the holiday season where the exhaustion hits and no amount of caffeine can seem to resurrect you! We might have a few lingering plans with friends and family, but for the most part the week is wide open…and we feel disoriented and just so tired!

Let’s normalize this tiredness for a minute. For the most part we are going to chalk it up to not eating well, not prioritizing protein and having an overload of sugar…and yes, all of those will make you feel tired. But, we also forget about prolonged stress. Because, since Thanksgiving, you have been hitting it hard. On top of normal life, there has been holiday meal planning, meal prep, hosting guests, traveling, decorating, shopping, school and work parties, and so much hustle and bustle! Not to mention cold and flu season! And while some of these can be wonderful experiences, our body still registers all of this as stress. And it is a stress you have been carrying for over a month! 

Tips for post holidays season nutrition

Don’t be surprised if you are tired and are sputtering out! This is a roadmap for you as you navigate life post holidays…

Rest: It’s wise to honor your body’s feedback. If you are tired, this is a time to create space for physical and mental rest. Lean into gentle restorative rhythms, like taking naps, going for walks, doing activities that are device free and mentally refreshing! Practice meditations or have a quiet time and enjoy the contemplative practice of your faith tradition. 

Reflect: This is the perfect time to evaluate your year and write down all your wins and reflect on everything that has worked for you. It is easy to get caught up in what hasn’t worked or what didn’t happen, but choose to focus on the success you have experienced and practice gratitude for even the small things that have occured. 

Recommit: Sometimes when we have been in a frenetic zone for a while and we haven’t been consistent with our nutrition, it is really easy to feel untethered from our goals. But I want you to look forward and get excited about what is coming for you in the new year. A lot of you are going to hit some big milestones this year. A lot of you are going to make big advances towards your goals. This is your year to accomplish what is in front of you! Take some time to recommit to your nutrition goals.

Recalibrate: This may not be the week that you are getting 7/7 and hitting the gym hard, but it is the time to position yourself for success for next week. Pull out some cookbooks and slowly put together a meal plan. If you have burnout and decision fatigue from all the holiday meal prep, then maybe rely on some prepared foods or eat a lot of Costco rotisserie chicken. Or if tracking feels overwhelming, find an all green day from the past in MFP and copy and paste it. 

Tips for post holidays season nutrition

Enjoy the peace as the last of the year has drawn down. Show yourself grace as you come out of a really frenetic month! There is a time to hit it hard but this might be the week to lean into some gentle rhythms, recognize all that you have accomplished and catch a vision for all that is ahead of you! 

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