Mom Crush: Sandi Russo

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It’s time for my FAVORITE post of the week, Mom Crush Monday!  We just love highlighting other moms who are doing amazing things with health and fitness and this week’s Mom Crush is doing just that.

Inspirational Mommies- Moms who balance family life with fitness

When I started my CrossFit journey about two years ago, I couldn’t get over this woman.  Meet Sandi!

55 years YOUNG and doing CrossFit.

She is 55 years YOUNG and she has two sons who are both amazing athletes.  She is a power house in the gym!  Last year she took second place in regionals {for her age group} in the masters division.  She shows up everyday.  She not only kicks butt in the gym, but she encourages everyone to do their very best.  It seems like there is always a point in my workouts where I want to quit and then I look over at Sandi and she is powering through the pain with the rest of us.  I want to be like Sandi when I grow up.

We interviewed Sandi to ask what keeps her going and she had such great advice and tips that we’d love to share with you!

55 years YOUNG and doing CrossFit.

Stay Fit Mom: What do you love most about CrossFit?  55 years YOUNG and doing CrossFit.

Sandi:  What I like most about CrossFit is that the workouts are never the same and everyone suffers as much as the next person which really helps you get through it.

Stay Fit Mom:  What is your biggest struggle when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle?

Sandi: My biggest struggle with living healthy is making healthy meals and snacks!  I love to snack!!!

Stay Fit Mom: What is the biggest reward that comes with balancing health and fitness in your life at 55 years YOUNG?

55 years YOUNG and doing CrossFit.

Sandi: My biggest reward is that I feel healthy. I can do more than most ladies my age. I also feel more motivation to do other things.



Stay Fit Mom:  What’s the biggest piece of advice you have for women who want to incorporate health and fitness into their lives?

Sandi: My biggest piece of advise is to not wait for tomorrow!  Do something today!  My oldest son started CrossFit first then talked his brother into it. It took them a year of nagging me before i tried it. I felt I needed to be in shape to go. Not true!!! I felt better from the first day and wished I had not waited so long to start.  It’s also VERY important to listen to your body and rest when you should and never compare yourself to anyone but YOURSELF.   It’s YOU against YOU!  Remember….. AGE IS JUST A NUMBER!!!

55 years YOUNG and doing CrossFit.

Stay tuned for our next Mom Crush Monday post!  You can hear about more ladies who are doing amazing things in health and fitness on our Mom Crush tab.

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