Mom Crush Andie Thueson

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This week’s Mom Crush, Andie Thueson, is an inspirational mama of three!  I’ve been dying to do a Mom Crush post on Andie for a while now because she was my very first fitness blogging buddy and she’s been a HUGE help and a great friend to us!  She blogs over at Maybe I Will, she lives right here in Las Vegas, and her transformation story is remarkable!

Inspirational Mommies- Moms who balance family life with fitness

Real Life moms who juggle motherhood and fitness.

SFM: Tell us about your personal journey with health and fitness.  What was the inspiration behind

Andie:  Almost two years ago I woke up and looked into the mirror and realized I didn’t like what I saw. I was tired, and heavier than I had ever been. Something went off in me. And I started a journey to a fit and healthier lifestyle. Now 40 lbs lighter, I have never felt more alive! For me I needed to hit “rock bottom” to understand that fitness and healthy eating wasn’t just a “fad” or a “trend”… it HAD to become a way of life for me! This inspired me to create Maybe I Will!! Now one of my greatest joys in life is helping people meet their health and fitness goals – I’ve been there! I know how hard it is to feel “stuck” and “out of control” – I love to help people realize they can do this! They can be better, they can say NO to average and reach their goals to be the best THEM possible!!! It is pretty much the coolest part of blogging for me! I get to connect with people from all over the world and share with them my workouts, healthy recipes, and tips on being a healthier and happier you!

Real Life moms who juggle motherhood and fitness

SFM: What type of exercise have you come to love?  What keeps you motivated during your workouts?

Andie: I am a work out SLUT… Yep I just made that up! I don’t stick to one “thing” I love trying new and different workouts! One day I might feel like Pilates, Lifting or just going for a great run! As long as I’m moving and doing something I am happy! Working out has become such a big part of who I am that I just know that if I don’t DO something my day will just feel “off”! But on those rare “I’m just not motivated” days I just chug a little extra pre-workout fuel and turn on some great music and within 10-15 minutes I’m usually in the zone! 

SFM: What type of foods do you and don’t you eat?  Do you follow a specific diet?

Andie: For me I don’t really stick to any type of diet… I stick to a healthy eating lifestyle, I stick to eating good food! Foods that I know are real and are not full of crap! When I do that my weight stays in check and I have awesome energy and I just feel good! 

SFM: What’s your biggest struggle, when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle?

Andie:  My biggest struggle is food! Although I eat healthy 80% of the time… I still LOVE my treats! And I really need to be careful that one indulgence doesn’t turn into a daily thing.  I am a sugar addict so this a daily struggle for me! 

SFM: What makes balancing health, fitness, and being a mom WORTH it?

Andie: When I first started down the path of getting fit and healthy, I remember feeling guilty for leaving my kids to workout! But as I continued to take the time – I became a happier and more energetic Mom! The time I spent away from my kids helped me to be more patient, loving and kind! Sometimes we Woman are so used to putting ourselves last that we forget that taking the time to put ourselves first every once in a while is a good thing and everyone wins!! Because let’s face it when Mamma ain’t happy… ain’t nobody happy!!!  

Real Life moms who juggle motherhood and fitness.

SFM: What’s your biggest piece of advice for women who want to incorporate health and fitness into their lives?

Andie: Find your Jam!! Not everyone is going to love Cross Fit or Zumba and that’s OK! Find how you like to Move and do it!! Are you a fierce walker? Then walk it out! Do you love to dance? Find a fun fitness dance class! The point is… Just find your JAM! Find what you love to do to be active and DO that! Finding whatever THAT is for you will help you make being FIT a  way of life! 

Thank you Andie, for sharing your experience with us!  You can follow Andie on Instagram @andiethues and be sure to check out her website and show her some love at!

Stay tuned for our next Mom Crush Monday post!  You can read about more ladies who are doing amazing things in health and fitness on our Mom Crush tab.

Follow us @stayfitmomblog and @stayfitmom_com on Instagram and on our Facebook page where we love getting personal.  You can also subscribe to Stay Fit Mom for healthy recipes, workouts, and most of all inspiration and encouragement!

Did you catch our last Mom Crush, Meghan?

Real Life moms who juggle motherhood and fitness

If you know somebody that would make a great Mom Crush Monday post, let us know in the comments below!

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