Mom Crush Jamie Gifford
on Sep 19, 2016
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Everyone needs a friend like Jamie in their life. I’m lucky enough to call her sister-in-law! Whenever I’m with Jamie I feel like I can (and often do) pour my heart out. She is THE best listener. She’s empathetic, non-judgmental, up for anything, and has a heart of gold. When Krista and I decided to embark on this macro coaching endeavour, Jamie came to mind first. I texted her and asked if she’d be up for completely changing any and all ideas she had about nutrition to start macros with us. Her response, “Why not?!”
Not only is Jamie’s kindness radar off the charts, but she’s also ridiculously smart and athletic. Chris’ family has definitely hit the gene pool jack pot. Without further adieu meet my sister-in-law, Jamie!
SFM: Tell us about yourself. How many kids do you have? Hobbies?
Jamie: Hi! I have two awesome little boys, ages 3 & 5. I like hanging with my kiddos, going to Legoland and the beach and the library, going on dates with my husband, eating chocolate, playing Legos with the littles (or better yet, without the littles), and reading. I work a bit from home in my free time editing books when manuscripts come my way, and designing a macro counting app (called My Daily Macros).
SFM: What has fueled your love for health and fitness?
Jamie: I grew up with three older brothers who were so immersed in sports that their athleticism rubbed off on me from a young age. From the time I was in elementary school, I liked PE and recess and running and sports, and I appreciated my body’s agility, strength, and flexibility. I never lost that appreciation, and I think that is part of what fuels my love for health and fitness: I’ve just genuinely always enjoyed it. In middle school and high school I played basketball, so I consistently went back to exercising, even if I spent the off-season lazing around. I learned that I felt a million times better when I exercised regularly. My body felt better, my mood improved, my brain worked better, I became more efficient. By the time I got to college fitness was a part of my lifestyle. And now that I am a mom it is my sanity!
SFM: How have you made nutrition and hitting the gym a priority with two preschool aged boys?
Jamie: As a woman (and especially as a wife and a mom) it is SO EASY to consider the needs of everyone around you and forget to consider yourself. But it is SO IMPORTANT to consider yourself, and to prioritize getting your basic needs met, so that you can better attend to the needs of your kids.I need to work out for my sanity, my mood, and to feel good in my body. I know that. For a while I took my kids to the YMCA so I could work out while they played. I would feel great for a while, and then one of the kids would get sick so we would have to take a hiatus, and my energy/mood/patience would plummet. My husband noticed my emotional fluctuations and frustrations with this, and together we decided I would try going to an early morning workout BEFORE the kids woke up. This was the key for me! I love waking up in the morning by myself, and doing something for myself first thing (rather than waking up to demands and more demands and suddenly it’s afternoon and I still haven’t brushed my teeth). I consider my 6 a.m. workouts my spa time, and when I get home it’s amazing how much happier and more loving and patient I am with my kids.
Jamie: My first week of macro counting – or macro magic as I like to call it – I ate 300 more calories a day than I was eating prior to starting. I also ate what seemed like a crazy amount of protein (hitting my protein is the hardest part of macros for me), and I had to stuff myself with mustard and tuna from a can multiple nights trying to hit my protein but not go over on fats. My body felt strange, so full of food. Yet somehow, strangely, magically, in that week I lost three pounds, my belly slimmed a ton, and my abs became WAY more prominent. With how much my body changed in one week, macros were obviously the missing element for me.
I think everyone has those moments of being in “story” about our appearance, of telling ourselves our thighs are too thick or too thin, our noses are too big or too wide, our bellies are never quite flat enough. We get this messaging constantly from advertising. We have to train ourselves to get out of it. We have to recognize when we fall into story. As soon as I catch myself lamenting how my thighs touch or how my post-baby breasts can no longer muster the energy for something as exhausting as cleavage – I stop myself and I return to gratitude. I am grateful for these thighs that did 100 jump squats yesterday no sweat. I am grateful for every single time I cuddled and nursed my babies.
If you know any inspiring momma’s in the Las Vegas Area who you think would make a great mom crush let us know in the comments below.
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