Enduring with Macros
on Aug 06, 2018, Updated May 13, 2024
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One of the hardest things for us to overcome when it comes to weight loss, is time. No matter your circumstance, it’s HARD to be patient. One of the first things we tell our new macro nutrition clients is that their progress is not just measured by the scale and it will most likely not move as quickly as they want it to. Not only can the process sometimes feel long, but it also comes with it’s trial and setbacks. One of our macro ninjas, Anna, is the perfect example of enduring to the end and trusting the process, despite what the scale says, or what happens in her life each and every week. Anna recently hit her 1 year macro anniversary with us and we couldn’t be more proud of her! The weeks and months may sometimes seem long, but all that progress and hard work sure adds up quickly.
Over this past year Anna has had her ups and downs just like the rest of us. Weddings, holidays, birthday parties, Disneyland, the loss of her precious dog, a car accident, and traveling back and forth to see her grandfather who isn’t doing well. Anna is such a great example to us all of how to balance life and still take care of yourself. There will never be a perfect time to start taking better care of yourself. No matter what life throws at you, if you’re determined and patient enough like Anna, you’ll have your own transformation story to tell. Anna is kind enough to share some of her wisdom and macro story with us all today. Thank you Anna!
SFM: When did your weight loss journey first begin?
May 2017. I was not losing my baby weight as quickly as I had with my first child. I gained 55 pounds! With my first I gained 50 and with breastfeeding it just came off. Fast-forward 4 years, I’m 36 and breastfeeding my second and the weight was not coming off at all.
SFM: When did you start counting Macros with SFM?
I signed up for the July 2017 6 week coaching group.
SFM: What made you decide to try macros?
My cousin Lauren, who is also a Macro Ninja, definitely got me interested. I saw her in late May and she had lost her baby weight (we had our daughters 3 weeks apart). Lauren is my sister-in-law, so we’re close and she convinced me just to try it. I signed up for the custom macro count first and started on my own, and then then I signed up for the 6 week group.
SFM: You are so consistent and clearly motivated, what keeps you going?
The results keep me motivated! Also, doing the weekly check ins with my macro coach. Knowing I have the accountability keeps me from straying. Also, all of the support and comments from the group when I check in. Having all of the energy to keep up with kids helps too. Also, positive comments from people noticing my weight loss keeps me on track.
SFM: Have the habits you’ve picked up since counting macros rubbed off on your family? What do they think about it?
Definitely! My husband counts macros too so we keep on track with grocery shopping and our meals. My husband completely supports me. My mom tried macros but said it was too hard. My extended family and friends can’t believe I eat so much (and carbs!) and still lose weight.
SFM: What are the biggest challenges you have overcome when it comes to sticking to the plan and making healthy choices?
Eating out and special events. I always try to estimate the best I can. I look at menus online before I go somewhere and plan accordingly. The temptation to “go off the rails” if I think I haven’t hit my numbers. And when I do have a planned non counting day, like for a date night, I drink and then I tend to want to munch even if I’m not hungry.
SFM: What keeps you signing up for coaching over and over again?
The accountability and support. It has become a way of life for me. I suffer from anxiety and this something I can control- healthy eating and fueling my body. I don’t feel like I’m starving myself (often I’m eating 2000 calories a day!) and I feel like I can eat what I want. Sometimes I think about trying it on my own but I love letting go of that part – I trust the coaches to give me the best numbers for that week. I also like the fact that my prescription changes based on what is going on in my life and how I feel.
SFM: Any advice for anyone considering trying to count their macros?