Betting All of Our Chips
on Apr 07, 2019
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I don’t envision myself lying on my death bed wishing I had built more social media empires. In fact, a few weeks ago I was with a group of women discussing what we wanted to be remembered for. Most of our answers were simple. We want our kids to know how deeply we loved them.
And so, when one of my clients asked me at our retreat what my goals were for the company, I sat baffled.
When we started Stay Fit Mom, I knew I wanted to help women and was optimistic I could contribute in some tiny way to our family’s financial situation doing it, but I never could have predicted what it has become today. I say this over and over in my posts and communication with others, because it is absolute TRUTH. There is NOTHING special about me… EXCEPT this one tiny thing. Years ago, I DESPISED my own mediocrity, and now I know with every part of my being that it’s God’s gift to me.
Krista and I have built a business recklessly celebrating just how unapologetically average we are. When women tuned in and saw Krista and me (50 pounds over weight) doing box jumps, counting macros, and barely surviving a trip to the grocery store with three kids in tow, they knew they could do it too. We are about celebrating our victories yes, but more so, we are about inviting women into the mess it takes us to get there.
I’ve always believed that what we had at Stay Fit Mom was unique, but I didn’t realize it was pure MAGIC until that weekend retreat in Utah.
On the way home, I looked at Krista and said, “What if Stay Fit Mom is meant to be more?”
We dismissed the idea after a few minutes. We don’t have time for it to be more. We don’t have the resources for it to be more. And then I heard it, the voice from my past that said, “You’re not good enough for it to be more.”
We got home and I opened our email inbox to a message from Tessemae’s. As in 127,000 Instagram followers and home to Whole30 and Melissa Hartwig, Tessemae’s. They asked us to work with them on a Stay Fit Mom Macros week long project.
The same week, I got an email from Melissa Duran a producer for KCLV 2, Trending Vegas, asking me to come on her show.
Swamped in client check-ins, coaching at the gym, and three boys that can’t go 15 minutes without a timeout or a snack, I decided it was time for me and that little voice to have a heart to heart. I told her she was right. I am undeserving. I am utterly insufficient to carry out something of this magnitude, BUT then I remembered. This acute self-awareness has blessed me beyond measure thus far.
Could it be that EVERY struggle and insecurity, ALL the learning, studying and teaching, EACH client and every class I’ve ever coached, was actually training me for a role we were destined to fulfill all along?
We’re betting all of our chips on it.
In the last two weeks we hired three more women on to join the SFM team, and we’ve been tirelessly working ever since. NOT because we’re mom bosses ready to conquer the world, but because this business we’ve created with our empty hands is now overflowing with women we’re humbly eager to serve.
We are reinvesting in the Stay Fit Mom community. On July 9th- July 12th Stay Fit Mom will host our largest event in our business’s history, More Than Macros.
We want to THANK YOU and we want to SERVE you. Please join us for an unforgettable week of relaxation, food, massages, personal growth workshops, workouts, hiking, and friendship. Come as you are. Share your story with us and we will give you rest, serve you, and challenge you to discover, despite every obstacle, exactly what you’re made for.
Cost includes:
- 4 days 3 night stay at The Lotus House
- Shuttle Services to and from the airport
- Most Food
- 60 minute Relaxing Massage
- Engaging Workshops and Q & A
- Multiple Exercise classes including CrossFit, yoga, and dance fitness
- Photo shoot
- Swag bags
Stay tuned as more event details are to be released in the weeks to come.