Free Weekly Meal Planner and Grocery List Printable

It’s All About the Food

You can work out all day long and never get the results you want if you’re not watching your diet.  After I had my second child, and gained 50+lbs, I had a hard time getting the weight off.  Not because I wasn’t exercising, because I was, but because I wasn’t eating the right foods.

Transformation in 7 months

Whenever someone asks me for advice on how to lose weight and get in shape my answer is always the same: It’s all about what you’re eating.  Getting fit is 80% diet and 20% exercise.   It doesn’t matter if you do paleo, low-carb,  Whole30, or IIFYM, what matters is that you stay consistent.  I want to share with you some of my tips for getting on track with your diet.

1. Eat Real Food- If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, don’t put it in your mouth.  FYI- Nutrition labels are deceiving, don’t be fooled and read them carefully.

2. Eat Plenty of Food- Don’t deprive yourself of food.  If you’re hungry, you’re not eating enough.

3. Meal Plan- For me, being a wife, mom, and teacher is hard enough; the last thing I want to worry about is what I’m going to eat tomorrow.  I always keep my fridge stocked and meals ready to grab if needed. Here is a Weekly Meal Planner and Grocery List Printable you may find helpful.

Free Weekly Meal Planner and Grocery List Printable

4. Eat Foods You Enjoy- You’re not going to stick with it if you’re forcing yourself to eat things you don’t like. I hate eggs, so I try to get creative and find recipes that disguise the flavor.

5. Do Your Research- Don’t start spending a bunch of money on organic products because it seems like the right thing to do.  Do your research and decide if buying cage free eggs, organic produce, and beef from grass fed cows is right for you and your family.

Now that you have a good foundation to build your diet on, take a look at the next post, Sweat it out in your WORKOUT.


5 Steps to the Best Shape of my Life

1.  Set GOALS to keep yourself motivated.

2.  PLAN for success.

3.  It’s all about the FOOD.

4.  Sweat it out in your WORKOUT.


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