Tips for strategizing your next Disney World trip in 2024!
Mom Life

Planning for Disney World in 2024

If you’re going to Disney World in 2024 this blog post can help you with meal prep, resort stay, ride selection and other information that you’ll find helpful in your planning! Just for reference, our kids are ages 7 to 13. Riding as many rides as we could fit in was TOP priority. We’re a family of 8 (10 when you include the grandparents) so affordability + efficiency was very important to us.

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Losing 60+ pounds counting macros.
Client Spotlight, Macro Counting

Losing 60 + Pounds Counting Macros

“Can I lose 60+ pounds counting macros?”

It’s a question we get often and today we get to share another success story with you! Yes, you absolutely can count macros when you’ve got a significant amount of weight to lose.

Feeling urgency to lose the weight is wise. Trying to find a way to shortcut to “speed things along” is foolish. There isn’t a quick fix to burning fat while sustaining muscle mass, but there is CERTAINLY HOPE.

Today we are filling you with hope with an amazing client spotlight featuring, Stacy! Let’s hear some great advice from a woman that’s been there/ done that, and is continuing to crush her goals!

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Tips for tracking macros while working full time.
Macro Counting

Hitting Your Macros While Working Full Time or Part Time

Hitting your macros while working full time or part time requires an added level of organization and planning to your days. The more dialed in you are with your systems and processes the more successful you’ll be. This isn’t by any means an impossible task. In fact, some people do better with counting macros when there’s added structure! Let’s go over some basics that will propel you to success with macro counting while working outside the home.

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Diet Fatigue explained and what to do!
Macro Counting

Diet Fatigue

Have you noticed your consistency with your diet slipping? Are you having a hard time staying motivated? Constantly trying to recommit to your plan? You may be experiencing diet fatigue. In this post we’ll discuss what it is and what to do.

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Tips for Navigating the holidays while macro counting.
Macro Counting

Tips for Navigating the Holidays and Counting Macros

Around this time every year, as we are staring at the QUICKLY approaching holiday season, one of the biggest topics we hear at Stay Fit Mom day in and day out is “how do I navigate this holiday season and still work towards my goals?!?” It’s a VERY real concern for SO MANY WOMEN. There are so many parties and social gatherings, treats and food-based gifts, I just read the other day that we have a candy holiday followed by a pie holiday followed by a candy and cookie holiday followed by a booze holiday. Our celebrations are literally measured by the food we eat when celebrating them.

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